Yes you can ! Never give up !!
I was not supposed to run…
Doctors said I shouldn’t…
My hips, my spine, my knees, they all hurt.
I was meant to run 21K, I trained for 5 months….
Pushed from within somehow…My mind said
I can’t give up. You can do 10k
You’ve done it before, girl !!!
Why don’t you believe you can
And here I am, Start line
And in my head…
Why am I here?
Why am I running?
Breath where are you?
I know I can do this…
I run to find myself,
To prove to myself that I have strength,
Even when I don’t believe I do.
And somehow, it’s starting to grow
Breath by breath,
Energy flows back in.
The streets, the people, the churches tops..
So much energy and wisdom around
They all whispered,
Yes, you can. You are strong
Even my pace was so good
The first 5K …
Wow I can, then I said
Strength, I know you’re there.
Mind, start believing again, please
Yes, you can.
I can find my strength
Even when I think it’s gone.
Believe in yourself, girl,
You have the power to rise, even alone
I needed to fall,
To remember how to get up.
To relearn how to find my fire.
Now I know…I can.
And… 2k more to go
Wow, I can really do this again.
Ok body, please hold on.
We’ve come so far, don’t give up now.
Can you go faster, the mind…The body: You crazy… :))
You’ve been through so much…
You have the resilience
You always can,
Even when you don’t believe so, said the mind
Please respect my limitations said the body
And… here I am
Mind and body, working finally as one.
Aligning with will and breath
And here I am.
Finish line, 10K, my best pace, Wow
Thank you, body.
Thank you, mind.
Thank you, breath, for being my guide
Thank you, Me.
Never, ever stop believing in yourself.
Even when you think you can’t
You still can.
The power is within you.
Never, ever give up on yourself
Seems like, I never do.
With love :’”The spoon of chocolate for the soul”